Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Last Des Moines Register /Selzer Polls

++These are the gold standard. Nate Silver says that in a race like the GOP ,the Selzer poll tends to get the large range of candidates right.

Trump 28%
Cruz    23%
Rubio  15%
Carson 10%
Paul       5%
Christie  3%
Bush      2%
Fiorina   2%
Huckabee 2%
Kasich      2%
Santorum 2%

The Reporters says that Rubio is stable and they are not seeing and uptick. Cruz,they say,may yet give Trump a run because Cruz has the evangelicals,who will caucus, and Trump voters tend to be first time caucus goers. Importantly,9% are undecided.


Hillary Clinton: 45%
Bernie Sanders: 42%
Martin O'Malley:  4%

Clinton's strength is that she has the Democratic party and previous caucus goers. She leads among the older voters who tend to come out. Sanders may have more enthusiasm and could pull an upset if they come out.

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