Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Debate

++Drudge has the Donald winning at 58.2%,Cruz at 29.4%, and Rubio at 6.17%.

++Jeb is gone. He didn't register tonight and had few minutes. Ben Carson gets my best comment when he mentioned electromagnetic pulse attacks.

++Shortpants Rubio acted like he was on speed and stumbled over his memorized lines. I don't see Rubio making it but the Beltway pundits keep pulling for him.

++Christie called Obama a petulant child and that he would kick his ass out of the White House.

++The Donald and Cruz went at each other on the birther issue. The crowd was for Cruz but the Donald actually had thoughtful things to say about why it is a problem.

++Cruz had most of the debate times and used it to answer questions that were not asked. 

++John Kasich tried to come off as a sensible center-right Republican but the crowd wanted blood and they became bored with him.

++#Benghazi!,Bill's infidelity,Hillary's emails probably crimes were committed. Jeb got in Dodd-Frank.

++So President Obama made the country a mess and weakened our military and our sailors were detained by Iran for a few hours and Ted Cruz vows our military will not have to bow to foreign dictators. Kasich was the only one who pointed out that the Saudis were great, either.

++From the sunny optimism of Ronald Reagan to the party that thinks America sucks, it has been a great fall. If anyone has that sunny optimism it is President Obama. In Fact Christie complained that Obama said that things were great.

++There is no one on that stage who merits consideration for the presidency of the United States.

++Personally I thought the Donald won again but not because of his outrageousness but because he learned to modulate his outrage with saying a few sensible things. Watch out for Cruz!

++I can't believe five of these things have been done. Does this spread the GOP message or does it hurt them. Then was Debbie Wasserman Schultz a genius or an idiot for holding far less debates.

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