Monday, February 29, 2016

Sam Wang Says Hillary Will Have a Great Day And End Up With A Clear Path To The Nomination

++Sam Wang at Princeton Elections Consortium says that Sanders has to cut leads by 10 to 20% in order to get near the delegates to keep him in it. He says progressives who complain about Hillary's strength should look at the Donald who only has to get 35% tomorrow to have a clear path to the nomination. Hillary will win the Southern states with 60+.

++It's hard to believe both races may be effectively over by tomorrow night. Today,Republicans went nuts over thinking they woke up too late to Trump winning. The most vociferous among them have been the neoconservatives, who are backing Rubio. Jacob Heilbrun wrote in the National Interest how the neoconservatives started out in the Democratic party in the late 1960s and shifted to the Republican Party and cemented their control over the GOP's foreign policy. 

In Commentary we had a full-scale assault on Trump by Max Boot, one of the biggest supporters of the Iraq War who linked Reagan's democracy promotion to W's policies in the Middle East==and therefore Rubio is the man and Trump defends tyrants. 

The blood being spilled today was a marvel to behold. 

Forgive me if the KKK flap didn't revv my jets. You have a man who claims he is "an acceptable David Duke" as the second in the House and Scalise's links with racist groups didn't make the GOP leadership blink. You have a whole party embrace photo ID laws, whose expressed purpose is to suppress minority votes and you say there is no room for bigotry in the party? 

Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo captured the essence of this initial revulsion of some moderate Republicans to Donald support from white supremacists. He said after all these years there was a hate debt built up in the party that is finally being acted out. It was acceptable to engage in racial dog whistles,the foodstamp recipient who flies to Hawaii--that's a twofer--you get a reference to Obama in there. "The Foodstamp President." You try and delegitimize the first African American President of the United States at every opportunity and don't even meet with his nominee to the Supreme Court and you don't think the message is sent you are racist?

++In olden days the John Birch Society had been disinvited to the Conservative annual meetings. No more. The reason is that the Koch Brothers, who may have resigned from the John Birch Society, were members until the late 1960s, when the John Birch Society was preoccupied by African Americans getting the right to vote.

++Mitt Romney calling Trump out on his bigotry conveniently neglected he used the KKK in the Midwest to try and stop Obama's re-election. While Mormons relented during Romney's run to allow African-Americans to become ministers, the Book of Mormon is very clear about African Americans being the sons of satan.

++Politico did a Podcast with Al Sharpton about whether Trump really is a racist. Reverend Al is a Brooklyn boy and talked about the ugly racism in the boroughs in the 1970s and early 1980s. He said Trump inherited these attitudes and a view that he himself was being excluded from the Manhattan elite. This led to a weird desire of Trump to be associated with black celebrities like James Brown, Michael Jackson, and Muhammed Ali. So you have the phenomenon of a Dennis Rodman endorsing the Donald even though Dennis was fired from Trump's show. Al Shapton said that Donald Trump is "The Don King Of White People"and that Donald studied his techniques. It's why you see black preachers of the "Prosperity Gospel" support him. 

++Another way to put it is that Donald is the perfect candidate for the South, where the white-black divide covers alot of mutual terrain. The Donald manages to deflect the racism by emphasizing racism about other ethnic groups but saying racist things thrilled his southern supporters. You had to see his Alabama rallies to appreciate his support.

++How much of The Donald recent surge in Texas is because of his mixed messages on white supremacists while Ted Cruz lectures on there is no room for bigotry in the Republican Party.  We are talking Texas here.

++The Donald is the inevitable conclusion of the birthers,the Tea Party and the GOP's racial whistles for decades. He is not the problem. He is riding the wave of conservatives fearing the demographic winter for white folks. 

++And you want me to vote for two Cubans against the Donald? You have to be nuts.

++I am voting tomorrow in Virginia and in the words of one African-American voter in South Carolina,"I'm voting for the lady because the men will have to treat her different."

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