Friday, February 26, 2016

So Much For Marco Rubio Winning The News Cycle

++Rubio is now Nate Silver's anti-Trump candidate but even Nate thinks it might be too late since polls show Rubio only winning Puerto Rico.

++A beleaguered Marco Rubio tried to do a victory lap on the morning talk shows but looked drawn and wan after his night's fight.

++Trump should have a billboard campaign in Florida saying,"Marco, who is Amber Stoner?"

++Do we care about the Donald's taxes? If you are a Republican primary voter, you don't and you don't care whether he hires illegals. This is meat for the major media but irrelevant to Trump supporters.

++The Donald said something true last night. He is bringing tons of people into the political process and he is gathering support from former working class Democrats and independents. That should concern Democrats. The Donald is getting first-time voters.

++It is peculiar to see GOP candidates attack the Donald on the woes of the Middle Class. Like the party cared for the past decade about the subject.

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