Sunday, March 12, 2017


Paul Ryan appeared on Face The Nation and was slick as snot. Ryan claims the Obamacare system is collapsing so even though millions will lose health insurance they would have done this anyone when Obamacare collapses in the future. Medicaid and Medicare are also collapsing so why not experiment now?

Under Ryancare, Medicare will be broke in 2020--paving the way for his voucher system.  Paul Ryan says creating high-risk pools rather than having the protections for the Affordable Care Act is a better way to go. The high-risk pool in California went bankrupt under W. leaving the chronically ill defenseless. 

Ryan says he is getting away with the individual mandate. Instead of individuals paying to the government,they pay now to health insurance companies. The tax breaks that substitute for Obamacare subsidies go to the health insurance companies. The elimination of the Obamacare taxes on the wealthy net $157 billion, according to the New York Times. If you warn under 208,500 per year, you get no tax breaks. If you earn $3.75 million per year , you get $165,090 in refunds. 

In the 11 highest cost states, subsidies for individuals will be cut in half. Apparently, rural hospitals will be wiped out. The Trump voter will take it in the head. All the charts indicate the vast majority of people who will lose health care will be Trump voters. The state of Kentucky ,which expanded coverage through Obamacare, will instantly lose 500,000 insured.

So Paul Ryan says this has been widely debated. Yet only two hearings at night have been held. Obamacare took one year and a half with Republicans participating in the committee discussions and actually getting amendments passed. 

Senate Republicans are saying it is dead on arrival. Remember Republicans won't allow Obamacare to be passed by reconciliation, even though they could have done so. Puzzling to me is that the first bill passed by Mitch McConnell is to move to pass by reconciliation even though no bill existed. 

We will see how damaging the GOP will be on this. Trump has deferred to Paul Ryan, who I must stress is not an intellectual and is more an ideologue. The defense of what appears will be yeah sure millions would lose health care but you should have seen what would have happened if Obamacare collapsed.  By the way,the actuarial society has said Obamacare is not in a death spiral.

What the health industry says is that the individual insurance market will collapse one the country with Ryancare, which surmises that the economy is based on corporate employment. 

The Ryan Bill also mandates that employers can take DNA test of employees to ascertain tendency to illness. If employees refuse they face fines. 

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