Saturday, March 18, 2017


It's Saturday so it was time for Trump to tweet.  He went on a rant about how much money Germany owes NATO.Fact-checkers points out untrue. This seemed to be a response to his awful meetings and press conference with the new leader of the Free World Angela Merkel. 

Yesterday Sean Spicer insisted the British spied on Trump,something our own NSA denied.

Today the United States at the G-20 conference actually came out against free trade. We were represented by Treasury Secretary Munchin . We stayed on that position despite our allies pleading with us to change our tune.

Rex Tillerson said we would go to North Korea if they didn't get rid of their nuclear weapons. Rex was too tired for his meetings with the South Koreans and cancelled the rest of his Asian trip. REX said he wasn't much of a media guy. Except he is the Secretary of State and the world wants to know what American positions are.

It seems the Trump gang are taking his campaign rhetoric internationally. From Mexico to Western Europe. The German journalist's question was quite right--we have become isolationists.

Meanwhile we bombed a mosque in Syria and killed countless civilians.

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