Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Get The Exorcist

Texas congressman Louis Gohmert told a crowd of about 100 tebaggers that the capitol building had been invaded by "demons". The teabaggers showed up with signs saying the RNC paid for them--crossed out in black. Republicans told the teabaggers that Nancy Pelosi had the votes to pass the bill. Iowa's congressman Steve King called for massive street uprisings in the U.S. to overthrow the government. He said there were alot of similarities to Czechoslovakia and called for a new "Velvet Revolution". Why? Because "the government is nationalizing liberty". I thought that was a good thing.

The worse constitutional crisis since the "civil war" and "Watergate". The GOP has given up the fight on healthcare reform. Now it's a war over the process. They have been puttng out the disinformation that the House Democrats can pass the bill without ever voting on it. This is hitting the little political press like Politico, the Hill and now the Washington Post. Actually they could, according to House rules, which the Republicans have used several more times than the Democrats. The odds are Democrats will not use this process. But the Republicans have introduced a bill to prevent the Speaker from using the so-called Slaughter motion, which calls for the use of this arcane maneuver. The rules for this procedure were written by none other than Republican congressman from California David Dreier.

While the Republicans are playing a rearguard action, Democrats themselves are raising questions about their sanity. The Ed Schultz show claims 38 Democrats oppose and only 200 are for. Steny Hoyer is quoted as saying the Democrats don't have the votes yet. The Whip is muttering something about postponing this past Easter and calling on the President to postpone his trip again.

But Lindsey Graham, who has been real classy as late, says Nancy Pelosi has the House Democrats "all ,liquored up" and ready to "commit suicide". The Democrats have already printed out the talking points for when the bill is passed. There are an impressive number of reforms that occur the minute the bill is signed. I doubt the average voter will care whether Mary Landrieux got something for Louisiana if health insurance companies can't drop me and my son can be covered until he's twenty-five.

In the classy department, conservatives are complaining about Natoma Campbell, the women who wrote President Obama about her lack of health insurance and who now suffers from leukemia. Lucianne. com and Drudge are claiming she probably will not lose her house as the President claims and that there will be financial help for her treatments. I say wait until she loses her house for sure to pass healthcare. Are we also supposed to write the sitting President and if he reads by chance our plea, then we can wait to receive financial aid? Isn't that like a King reading pleas from his peasants? Is that the way healthcare is supposed to work? Beg the nearest powerful or wealthy person? See it's not so bad--the women didn't even lose her house; what's she complaining about?

Eric Cantor called Rahm Emmanuel to tell him to back off on Israel. FLASHBACK: Moshe Dayan, he of the same eyepatch as me, would be delighted, over-joyed to know that the chief of staff of the President of the United States was a veteran of the UDF. But Mr. Sunshine, the BIBI called Rahm Emmanuel " a self-hating Jew" right at the start of this administration. I would love to hear Rahm's response to Eric the Weasel.

Meanwhile, instead of seeking to patch things up with the United States, Bibi is coming to Washington to speak only to the Jewish members of Congress. Not great optics for politics. But the usual gang of Republican Senators blasted the Obama Administration for criticising a "strategic ally" openly. For instance, you should never say "Old Europe" and "New Europe" and openly criticize allies such as Germany, France and England. It's sort of like that.

Can you imagine Golda Meir's approach to Vice President Biden's visit? Even though Joe is a gasbag and a klutz, he is known as a lifelong friend of Israel. So now, he's Vice President of the United States, the only ally you have. She would have insisted he stay at her home and she would have made breakfast for him. She would have mothered him with health tips.

Old hawk Ariel Sharon was no dummy in terms of geopolitics. If he had a chance of getting 22 Arab nations to recognize Israel, he would start talking again to the Palestinians even if he was bluffing.

Hillary Clinton, another long-time backer of Israel, just sent a list of demands to Israel basically asking Bibi to back down from his plans for Levittown in Palestine and making sincere gestures toward a peace process.

Oh, where is Abba Eben when we need him?

Representative Gohmert's mention of "demons" made me think they is a compromise on the torture issue. Since Christianity, Islam and Buddhism recognize the devil, we should contract out exorcists from the Vatican to train CIA personnel to "exorcise" terrorist detainees. This should satisfy the torture advocates.

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