Monday, March 29, 2010

The Police Gazette-Monday Edition

Michael Steele spent the morning trying to explain how the RNC spent $1,900 at a LA Club The Voyeur, which specalizes in bondage acts and imitation lesbian performances. His underling responded," You have to spend money to make money", which was soon drown out by protests from donors. Michael Steele is trying to say he didn't go there but his bills for a Beverly Hills Hotel suggests he was around there at the time. Ah, those family values. Some wag proposed that strip clubs be named "The GOP Precinct".

The FBI arrested a man, claiming to be "the son of the God of Enoch", for threatening to kill Eric Cantor. The man was a donor to the Obama campaign, which made headlines, but no one mentioned his videos attacking the President, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Supporters of Harry Reid allegedly threw eggs at the Teabagger busses at Spotlight, Nevada and were said by teabaggers to be threatening violence. Compared to the real Woodstock, which drew 500,000, the conservative version only drew 8,000.

Before I describe what the indictments say about the charges against the militia people in yesterday's raids, some early reactions give you a flavor of the times. The Free Republic commentators say that the government was trespassing on private property. The charges are all government agitprop. "Democrats will murder more innocent civilians", referring to Waco and Ruby Ridge. Freepers said that the people "were arrested for thought crimes" and this was "armed suppression of dissent". Another commentator said that Obama was now going after Christian conservatives. "The war on Middle America has now begun!"

Bryan Fischer, a spokeperson for The American Family Association, a Christian political group, said, "The American people are overwhelmingly opposed to the implementation of Mussolinicare. It is heavy-handed and repressive and is a worse form of oppression than any the Crown imposed on the colonies in the 1770s." He cited James Madison and called for "armed revolution." P.S. John Adams mandated that sailors had to have private health insurance in the 1790s.

The sponsors of the" Bring Your Guns to Washington" rally on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing put out a nifty video calling the government agents "thugs" and over images of Waco urged everyone to BUY GUNS NOW. It called on "No more B.S. Raids on "Christian" militias. Ant it said that Americans are not going down without a fight. The government can't defeat the American patriot because of the constitution."

Another video by a Texas militiaman seemed more influenced by Ron Paul than anything. He ranted about the New World Order, bankers and the Federal Reserve. He said that God warned Americans not to worship Idols. He said that,"We don't play games and you will be dealt with." He called for guerrilla warfare.

Patriot Resistance. Com and Militia Radio said that all the militias are mobilizing and that America is a righteous nation and will not ignore these actions. One militia commander told his audience to stock up on food and water if an emergency occurs. " This thing can go anywhere." Militia Radio said that one of the captured militia men was in a hospital in Michigan because he had been "tortured". He claimed that torture was the reality of Amerika. The broadcaster said he had received several calls from the wives of the captured men, who were concerned because there were children at home. He claimed that the government agents "attacked" people at a funeral for one of the militia men. He did admit what I noticed yesterday--their broadcasts and e-mails had been down 70% yesterday. He claimed that militia men photographed Homeland Security agents as they conducted these raids. He said that the news reports were just propaganda by the federal government to prepare for the real attack on the militias. he blamed the ADL and the Obama regime for this situation.

Before my mind dissolved, I watched another militia video. This one was a treat. This listed the demands of the militia movement. They asked all 50 governors to immediately declare that the states would immediately adopt "de jure" common law. They have 72 hours to comply or be replaced immediately. All mortgage foreclosures must stop and all property taxes be cancelled. There will be a new monetary unit introduced and the Federal Reserve will be abolished. The IRS will only exist until next February. They urged everyone not to file their 1040s with the IRS unless you expect a refund. Everyone is to withdraw all their funds from retirement accounts. They called on federal agents to go after Mexican gangs and Muslims, not Christians. They said that President Obama wants to create a national I.D. card and that this will be known as "the mark of the beast" and lead to a "powder keg explosion". The video ends with a slogan "No More Wacos". The video ended with shots of police wearing shoulder badges of the Obama campaign logo.

What's in the Indictments? 9 members of the Hutaree militia were indicted for an assortment of charges, including sedition, for plotting to kill a Michigan police officer and then planning to stage an attack on the other officers attending the funeral. This plot began in August 2008 and the final preparations were conducted as an exercise on February 20, 2010. The group planned to blow up vehicles in the funeral procession with "improvised explosive devices" and "explosively formed projectiles". Members of the group viewed local, state and federal law enforcement as the 'brotherhood" or their enemies.

David Brian Stone aka "R.D." aka "Joseph Stonewall" received information about explosives over the Internet and e-mailed diagrams of the devices to a person believed capable of assembling them. According to authorities, these devices constituted "weapons of mass destruction". Last June, Mr. Stone taught members of the group how to make IEDs. Currently, one of the group is a fugitive.

The group has been charged with "seditious conspiracy" "weapons of mass destruction" and a host of weapons charges, which would bring life in prison. We shouldn't forget the bust of the neo-Nazi in Maine who had all the makings of a dirty nuclear bomb in his basement. The plot was only thwarted because his wife, who had been physically abused by him, ratted him out.

Some of the arrests did take place at a funeral for one of the militia members. This is the act that provoked the firestorm of reaction from the militia network.

What I'm still puzzled by is what was the killing of alot of police officers supposed to do. Was it supposed to start a revolution, an insurrection? The alternative plot was just as strange. They were going to shoot a random policeman at a traffic sign and then ambush his friends as they rushed to rescue him. I am sure we are missing something here.

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