Thursday, May 17, 2012

Who Has The Big Mo?

++Easy question--No one. Rumors are that both camps are keeping their big guns for later when the electorate pays attention. 

++A few developments which escape the news. The RNC and the Romney people are creating separate organizations to counter the state Republican parties in Nevada and Iowa, which have been taken over by Ron Paul people. Both states are vital for Romney and he is behind in both.

++Officially the RNC laughed off the Obama campaign's suggestions that Arizona would be in play this cycle. But they have since beefed up operations in that state just in case.

++The Obama campaign has revved up their plans against the recent ID voter laws passed by Republican state houses.

Now for polling, Obama still shows strength in his state polling numbers but North Carolina and Wisconsin are reasons for some concern. PPP has Obama 48 to Romney 47 in North Carolina, while Rasmussen has Romney at 51 and Obama at 43. In Wisconsin, the Marquette Law School has the presidential race tied at 46. 

A New Jersey poll has Obama with a 49 to 39 lead over Romney and with Christie as Vice President Obama wins 50 to 42.

Horse race polls are all over the map. Fox News has Obama at 46 over Romney's 39. The plurality of those voting for Romney are because he is not Barack Obama. 

YouGov has Romney winning with 46 and Obama at 42.
IBD/Christian Science Monitor poll has Obama at 43 and Romney at 40.
Gallup Tracking has it even at 45-45.
PPP has it Obama 48 and Romney 46.
Rasmussen Tracking has it Romney 47, Obama 46.
JZ Analytics has it Romney 44 and Obama 43. The real number is 43.6 Romney to 43.2 Obama.

So far Romney's favorables have picked up as a consequence of his winning the GOP nomination. I sense Obama's standing has gotten sluggish. I think he should be concerned about Wisconsin because the GOP is highly motivated to come out in the recall elections and that might spill over in November. Also North Carolina and Oregon (the poll was closer than expected). 

But to date it is like both candidates are just revving their engines.

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