Saturday, June 20, 2015

Dribblings From the Right

++We got the racist manifesto from the shooter today and he was inspired by George Zimmerman killing Trayvon Martin. He registered a website The Last Rhodesian after being inspired by the white supremacists who elevate Rhodesia and South Africa as a religious cause. Get it =Three Lost Causes. 

++Franklin Graham blamed the shootings on "Godless Hollywood", which glorifies gun violence.

++Willard "Mitt" Romney said the Confederate Flag must come down. This is actually the second time he's said that.

++Pope Francis is causing a nervous breakdown on the right. E-mails from a "Concerned Catholic" purportedly from a niece of an archbishop and related to missionaries who served the poor. The point was that our founding fathers created a capitalist system that generates over $358 billion in charitable giving and that the Pope shouldn't listen to "the cries of the earth" but the "cries of the poor", which is in the encyclical. 

++Another Catholic writes that this is a Galileo moment for the Catholic Church and that the Pope damaged his office.

++Another worries that Pope Francis attack on capitalism aligns him with the economics of the Soviet Union,Cuba and Albania. 

++Holy smokes.

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