Friday, June 26, 2015

Like A Thunderbolt,Justice Comes

++The same sex marriage ruling marks the culmination of the most rapid civil rights triumph in my lifetime. President Obama gave an eloquent talk on the meaning of the decision and that we became a "more perfect union " today. It is the culmination of millions of single acts that finally congealed into a critical mass.

++I doubt whether it could have come about without President Obama's "change of heart" and his push within his administration. 

++There are numerous legal heroes. But let's not forget the pioneer in arguing the case for same sex marriage--Andrew Sullivan who defended it in the 1980s as a conservative idea. Dan Savage became the odd ethical voice for this when California began the pilgrimage. Ted Olson took it on as a grandee of the Federalist Society. Then there was the great Ms. Windsor who fought for her inheritance from her lifelong companion and eventual marriage partner.
The list is too numerous and the change points too numerous to mention.

++This past week Stonewall became an historical monument symbolizing the first overt manifestation of gay rights' resistance. 

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