Friday, July 17, 2015

Mr. President,On Behalf Of An Ungrateful Nation, Thank You

++Dick Meyer of the Denver. ABC7 Channel News, writes a short but powerful editorial about President Obama and his achievements reminding us that he may be a great one.

++And, believe it or not, mid-way through his second term, we still don't have a scandal. What will we do? #Benghazi!, Fast and Furious,Solandra, IRS? Where did they go after millions of dollars spent investigating them. Remember the great days of Iran-Contra and over 300 members of Reagan's team indicted, or Watergate,Monica--the lost goes on. But No Drama Obama seems to be heading for the exit untouched.

++Politico had a piece that President Obama may actually have a more productive second term than first. They quoted Ken Timmerman, who served in Reagan's administration and who, by the way, is skeptical of the Iran deal,saying that President Obama may have avoided the disease faced by modern Presidents of awful second terms. 

++Remember W couldn't be found the second term and everything went awry as if no one was home.

++As Dick Meyer reminds us Barack Obama as the first African-American President and his family have faced more death threats than all the Presidents and their families combined. Yet President Obama and his family have handled these personal attacks with style and grace and courage. 

++VOX had a piece  earlier this week that shows that President Obama may be one of the most consequential Presidents in modern history. Modern, apparently, means ,post FDR. 

++So while the Beltway howls the next few months about the Iran deal--sort of like they howled after President Nixon announced he was going to China and President Reagan had concluded his deal withe Soviet Union--remember the dignified President who still has something in the tank.

++Thank you, Dick Meyer for an editorial putting President Obama in perspective. 

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