Friday, July 31, 2015

There Is No Success Like Success

++Happy Birthday to President Obama, Medicare and Medicaid.

++If you have a policy prescription that works, don't you just try and improve it or extend it? Social Security is now humming along at 75years and by the  estimates of the world's public policy gurus it is one of the most successful social welfare programs anywhere. But the GOP still wants to privatize it so that we would be at the mercy of Wall Street and balloon the national debt another $2 trillion.

++Medicare and Medicaid also have hit anniversaries at 50 years and boast high consumer satisfaction rates. Bernie Sanders has argued that our whole healthcare system should be Medicare for all. Now the GOP wants to cut both and replace Medicare with a voucher system, which would be out of my price range, since I already paid for Medicare.

++Maybe the rule of thumb is that anything the GOP proposes will cost the American taxpayer at least $1 trillion. We can call it THE IRAQ FORMULA. Multiply their proposal by an Iraq factor and get the approximate price.

++When listening to the mini-flap on Planned Parenthood, you might want to listen to local Republicans at the state level claiming how much cutting their federal funding off will cost the states.

++If things aren't broken, don't fix them. 

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