Friday, July 31, 2015

Now What Is It About Hillary I Am Not Supposed To Like

++The 21st Century Hillary scandals are too esoteric for me to understand. Classified documents on her server--or is it the thumb drive held by her lawyer?

++#Benghazi! because Susan Rice and President Obama skated so they need a fall gal?

++She's a baby boomer. Definite negative in my book.

++She's a lawyer. Neutral in my book.

++She's waffling on Keystone XL Pipeline. Maybe should not tell her position because President Obama is going to make a definite decision before the next election.

++She's heavily financed by hedge funds and banksters. Possible negative.

++As the Donald says,"She was the worst Secretary of State" since…Warren Christopher? Doesn't wash.

++Bernie and Hillary are slugging it out. But Hillary in today's McClatchy polls leads every single GOP candidate. But the pollster says it is bad news because she has a higher named recognition than the others. She's polling at high 40s because she should be in the 50s since she should be considered an incumbent. Naw,it doesn't work that way.

++Her trustworthiness ratings have taken a dive over the e-mail kerfluffle.  This will be the theme of the GOP attack on her in the general campaign. It is the only knock on her so far.

++Her foundation raked in millions which should have demonstrated conflicts of interest. However, all major media have backed off this angle because the book written about it panned out.

++Today she spoke about lifting the trade embargo and emphasizing that such an act is not rewarding Cube but enhancing the possibility of freedom coming there. Nice.

++The knock is that she isn't a great campaigner and is falling into her problems of 2008. Haven't seen it but it can be corrected.

++I've just heard fairly solid position papers that are not exciting but will give her a strong platform to run on.

++I still like her laugh--it has a quality about it that recognizes the ironic.

++So the last few months she has been running steady but not with a lot of flash. A nice thing is to look at the number of volunteers both Hillary and Bernie are generating. That bodes well.

++I'll wait for more anti-Hillary e-mails. So far they run back to the 1990s and the Clinton scandals but read as old news from another trivial time.

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