Thursday, September 10, 2015

Another Coup Attempt Against John Boehner

++Remember last January when insurgents conducted a sloppy plot to topple John Boehner as the Speaker. They are back and you can read the tea leaves over the dispute over Planned Parenthood.

++Matt Lewis writes in the Daily Beast, based on his sources within the Freedom Caucus about this sessions plotting. The idea is that the tea baggers are so disgusted with the inability of the House to stop anything President Obama is doing that someone has to pay and that person is John Boehner.

++The plot to shut down the government over Planned Parenthood and the nutty resolutions against Iran are simply pretexts to mount a coup against Boehner. How he handles both of them will determine whether he survives. 

++Matt Lewis lays out the different scenarios planned by the tea baggers. Last time Boehner survived with Democratic votes. This time that strategy might boomerang.

++The wacky idea of suing President Obama over the Iran Accord is Boehner's way of satisfying the nut cases. Planned Parenthood is another. 

++He may or may not make it and this writer could care less.

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