Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Iranian Mayhem

++Anyone reading this blog or even the Times of Israel knows the fight over the Iran Nuclear Deal is over. 

++Hillary Clinton gave her speech at the Brookings Institute supporting the Iran Nuclear Deal and said those suggesting a better deal was possible were deluded. She went on to say that we should assuage Israel's security concerns and step up efforts against Hezbollah and others. Yes,Hillary is a liberal interventionist. Her positions have been right of President Obama on national security since Day One.

++But she was eclipsed by the meltdown among the Right. At Dick Cheney's AEI speech yesterday ,Josh Marshall noticed that the head of a pro-Israel think tank , a Mr. Clawson went berserk and started attacking the Cope Pink demonstrators, even though Dock Cheney had security at the event.

++This morning Louie Gohmert vowed to quite Congress if the Iran Nuclear deal passed Congress and would go home and await the nuclear holocaust.

++Rep.Roskom,the Republican head of their Israeli Caucus, said he had a majority to reject the deal. He moved to vote on it on 9/11, Subtle. But then he did a bait and switch and suggested that because the details of the so-called side deals with the IAEA were not shared with Congress then Congress could not vote on the deal. This position of not voting on the deal is seen by the Right in Congress as prohibiting President Obama from listing the sanctions. 

++Mitch McConnell doesn't want any part of this and wants to move forward. But Ted Cruz has endorsed the House Plan and wants to postpone consideration of the resolution because it violated the Corker-Cardin  legislation that President Obama would have to give Congress 60 days to consider the plan. Cruz is now insisting that the IAEA "side" agreements are part of the plan--you have to read my past posts to see why this isn't true.

++Now let's say Congress doesn't vote on the Iran plan. Does this affect it at all? I proposed yesterday that the Democrats could filibuster the resolution of "disapproval" without the need for President Obama's veto. Now if the tea party doesn't bring it to vote,isn't the same thing accomplished.

++Josh Marshall at Talking Points is observing this circus and wondering whether grieving counselors shouldn't be sent in to help everyone get over their loss.

++Meanwhile Bibi Netanyahu and his cabinet are saying that Bibi didn't fail,it was a masterstroke to procure more arms from the United States. Josh Marshall points out that these arms were in the pipeline ,sometimes for years, and notes that Bibi refused to meet with John Kerry when he was in the region and wanted to talk about this. But Bibi is declaring victory.

++Col. Wilkinson appeared on Chris hayes show to discuss what he called Dick Cheney's "lucid insanity" about the Iran deal and his total disregard for reality.

++I noticed that ABC got into the Nuclear Iran craze by saying "the deal brought Iran closer to the bomb". In fact, nothing could be farther from the truth. The Interim agreement pushed them back about a year and the new agreement puts them about 20 years away.

++But Roskom's gambit intriques me because I can't comprehend its logic or any sense. This is the new brain fart of the tea baggers and I can't understand how they can conceive this will hold up anything but Congressional business. If I figure this our ,I'll let you know.

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