Tuesday, September 15, 2015

You Heard It First

++House and Senate Republicans want to hold up funding for the IAEA because they cite discrepancies between the AP and the Reuters account of how the Iranian nuclear site at Parchin is to be monitored.

++As I wrote early on in this debate, the quickest way to make the Iran nuclear deal fail is to deprive the IAEA the proper funds to carry out the monitoring.

++The other is to tighten sanctions like the George W. Bush administration did on North Korea because they felt Clinton let them get away with murder on the nuclear agreement. Until then North Korea had no nuclear weapons. Soon after the sanctions were tightened they developed such weapons. 

++Senate Republicans want a third bite of the apple after failing twice to get a resolution of disapproval to the floor of the Senate. Now they want to attach amendments like Iran must recognize Israel before a deal can be carried out and that three Americans must be released first. 

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