Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The GOP Wobbling Has Begun.

++Alfredo Gonzalez, former AG under George W Bush, said that President Obama should appoint a supreme court justice to replace Scalia.

++Justice Sandra Day O'Connor urged President Obama to make the nomination. O'Connor had been nominated to the court by President Ronald Reagan.

++Initially Jeb! Bush said it didn't matter to him but then he backtracked on the idea.

++Orrin Hatch sort of said that the Senate would receive the nomination. He also said that while he thought Rafael "Ted" Cruz qualified for the presidency,the Supreme Court might not.

++It was Ted Cruz' full-throttled pledge to filibuster the process that sent GOP Senator scurrying. They really don't like him very much and the idea that he would be the vanguard in stopping the nomination didn't go over well.

++Republicans are now saying that President Obama should make a legacy appointment by nomination a Republican. The Name they have in mind is Nevada governor Sandoval, who appears to be a moderate Republican and obviously an Hispanic.

++The swing Senators who came out behind Mitch McConnell statement that President Obama shouldn't nominate a justice, appear to be wobbling with recent statements by Senator Johnson, Ayotte, and Kirk.

++The Republicans were invoking the Thurmond rule named after Strom Thurman, who coined the phrase in 1968 at the height of the civil rights movement. It refers to the Senate not approving any lifetime appointments the summer before the election. However, it is not a formal rule just like the Hastert tule has no binding effect on Congress. It's just political convenient for the Republicans.

++Another case they have cited is the Bork debacle. But they don't tell you Bork actually was approved by the committee and voted on by the Senate. Naturally, he lost.

++The conservatives are outraged--as always--that President Obama is not attending the funeral of Antonio Scalia only the memorial. 

++Democrats have proposed nominating Elizabeth Warren or Amy Kloboucher to the Court. Others suggest that to appeal to Senator Grassley,President Obama should nominate Jane Kelly from Cedar Rapids to the court. Kelly was President Obama's classmate at Harvard Law and serves on U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C.

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