Friday, April 29, 2016

I Missed It--Prince Died on Thursday at the age of 57.

++Prince died in the elevator in his own home  from what was apparently an overdose of opioids.  It had been rumored that he was diagnosed with AIDS six months before.

++This did not make the new in Africa or later in Europe. But the right has weighed in. On how a "believing Jehovah Witness" could have overdosed,I received a lengthy analysis by a right-winger talking about "hot shots" and ways people not on drugs could die. Drudge succinctly posted the real crime--half his estate will go to the government, a call for the ban on death taxes if I ever heard it.

++The New Yorker ran a eulogy to Prince by Taylor Ho Bynum which summarizes the talents of this extraordinary man. My son reminded me that Prince could play every instrument and did so in his first few albums.

++The big mystery of Prince was where is his music. He recorded two songs a day for his entire adult life. The much rumored vault has actually been found and opened. We should enjoy a few decades more of his music. 

++Hail Prince or the artist who used to go by Prince, a brilliant money maker as Prince tried to escape the demands of the music industry. 

++Prince-- Rest in Peace. 

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