Sunday, June 26, 2016


++The story gets more bizarre. Sky News reports an interview with a pro-leave Tory who admits they don't have a plan. The Tory said that the only one with a plan was Nicole Sturgeon of Scotland.

++Then Business Insider pointed out the realities of the British government trying to disentangle itself from Europe,especially now that the core arguments about leaving are false. That is that immigration would not be affected. David Cameron had negotiated with Europe separately on that. And that UKIP's promise that $350 million would be put back into the Health care system is bogus and Nigel Farage admitted this on BBC. 

++Business Insider reported that pro-leave Tories look pale and withdrawn after the vote because it is dawning on them that they can produce the results. Now that Cameron set the date for October,Britons would have experienced 4 months of misery and may want to reconsider.

++The French told the United States today that there should be no bilateral trade agreement with the UK and that any such move would undermined the prop sects for a transatlantic trade pact. Besides they said such a pact would have to meet EU approval.

++And put this in your pipe and smoke it, British soccer teams would be prohibited from plaiting in the European soccer league. A blessing for European countries who have to put up with soccer hooligans from the UK.

++Just in a day,voters' remorse is made it felt in small towns and villages in England who didn't think about the implications of the vote. Some voters were shocked that immigrants were not leaving on planes because they thought their vote meant they would have to leave. Apparently not.

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