Friday, June 24, 2016


++Both British parties were so divided on Brexit that they couldn't get their message straight. The Scottish Party was fairly consistent. As a result the Brits lost two party leaders in the fracas.

++Ironically,Wales, which receives the most EU investment and funds,voted to leave. Same with the South of England.

++Why it was apparent through the night that voters were reacting to the austerity programs of David Cameron and blaming the lack of services on either the Conservative Party or immigrants. The older voter, who doesn't really have to live with their decision a lifetime voted to leave but the millennials voted to stay. 

++Parts of England which were ravished during the Thatcher period such as the coal-mining areas gave the Leave the momentum.

++In one fell swoop,the UK no longer is the world's fifth economy. But the voters didn't buy that the EU brought financial benefits because they didn't see them in their daily life. Also there was widespread skepticism about experts who proclaimed how complicated leaving would be.

++The parallel here in the States is the policy-nihilism of the Republicans.This past week we saw Paul Ryan unveil his outline of an alternative to Obamacare. There is no draft legislation because no one on the Republican side of the House can draft any such legislation. It also is very dishonest because Ryan points to the number uninsured without mentioning 19 Republican governors refuse to extend Medicaid to their citizens. He also doesn't account for the $2 trillion Obamacare saves Americans over 10 years. 

++But that doesn't matter like the anti-EU campaign said the UK would save $354 million pounds per week if they withdrew. This morning they admitted this was false as well as their exaggeration about refugees flooding England. They are not part of the EU refugee repatriation program. 

++We saw this week Donald Trump's speech against Hillary Clinton where he too lied about how many Syrian refugees should would allow into the country. I hope more than President Obama has admitted. But the key immigration issue to remember is that since 2009, more Mexicans have left this country than entered. But it is the optics that matter. In England, the Conservative Party became the UNIP party of LaFarge. Like the GOP will with Trump.

++We saw John Lewis lead a sit-down in the House because Paul Ryan would not allow a bill on guns be voted on. Just voted on. The NRA said Lewis was a terrorist.

++At the Supreme Court, the GOP's strategy to gut our judicial system is working when they have not held a hearing for Merrick Garland simply because a black man nominated him.

++The result was a non-decision on immigration. This allows the Dreamers to stay but postpones the legalization of immigrants who have stayed here for years. That's approximately 5 million people affected.

++The good news is that the Court had to affirm again you can use affirmative action in college admissions.

++On the internet,it appears that the Democrats are fired up because of taking a stance on gun control and forcing the Republicans to get on the record. 

++Our salvation lies with women, African-Americans and Hispanics and the millennials. It is obvious white males on both sides of the Atlantic have lost the ability to govern.

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