Saturday, December 17, 2016


David Adkins in the Washington Monthly write the piece about how news of the Russian hacks are likely to linger as time bomb for Trump. If bugging the DNC brought Nixon down,what about Trump's relationship with Putin? He outlines the new talking points from the Trump campaign,which change daily. I like Keyyanne Conway's the best, "if Clinton and Obama had any love of this country,they would let bygones be bygones."

Obama made it clear a detailed report from the intelligence agencies would appear before the inauguration and we also have an FBI investigation that started in the summer of Russian contacts with the Trump campaign. Remember Roger Stone volunteering to testify?

Meanwhile Nate Silver and the great Sam Wang agree that late breaking voters went for Trump because of Comey's letter. The majority of voters who felt the economy was the issue went Clinton in the Midwest battleground states. 

On the Comey letter, there seems to be a criminal conspiracy now that we know Huma Abedin never received as search warrant and Comey wasn't told of Anthony Weiner's laptop for 24 days. Expect more to come from this.

There are two sticks of dynamite still waiting to blow up.

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