Monday, February 9, 2009


No, not the country where GM is taking $1 billion of your money to invest. The Movie. The case of Binyam Mohammed gets sicker by the moment. The CIA accused the janitor of plotting a dirty bomb attack and then he was renditioned to secret sites in Pakistan, Morocco, Kabul and finally to Gitmo. He was hung by his wrists for a week and had a gun pointed at his head in a Pakistani jail.

How did this happen? In papers released about the case, Binyam confessed he had read an article called "How to Build an H-Bomb" that was printed by the satirical magazine Seven Days. Among the authors were Barbara Ehrenreich,Rolling Stone journalist Peter Biskind and New York Times writer Michio Kaku--believe it or not. The recipe is obviously mad and I include it here so the NSA can come and take you away.

You are instructed to transform uranium gas into a liquid by subjecting it to pressure. "You can use a bicycle pump for this." Then make a simple home centrifuge. Fill a standard-size bucket one-quarter full of liquid uranium hexafluoride. Attach a 6ft rope to the bucket handle. Now swing the rope around your head as fast as possible. keep this up for about 45 minutes. (This is from an old routine on the Dick Van Dyke Show.)

"Slow down gradually, and very gently put the bucket on the floor. The U-235 will have risen to the top, where it can be skimmed of like cream. Repeat this step until you have required 10lbs of uranium."

The London papers are having a field day with this. Binyam's lawyer confirmed that this article formed the foundation for the CIA's charges.

This is probably one of the plots Dick Cheney claims was prevented by "enhanced interrogation."

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