Saturday, April 30, 2011

Abbie Hoffman Award Goes To Anonymous

After the Citizens United case,American and foriegn coporations got a blank check to interfere with America's elections at every level. And the problem was that these contributions could be anonymous and untraceable.

Shortly after the case, political activists tried to track down the political activities of the Chamber of Commerce when it declared war against the Democrats. And the Chamber retaliated by hiring lawyers and security firms to track anti-Chamber activists and disrupt their websites and follow their families. Some of the e-mails of this surveillance found the light of day and portrayed the so-called Captains of Industry actually trailing young children of people they suspected of engaging in anti-Chamber activism.

The Chamber has felt so empowered by this carte blanche given by the Supreme Court that their chief lobbyist this week threatened to do to Obama what he is doing to Qaddafi.

Well, BOOM! Enter Anonymous who hit the Chanber with a surprise raid, which will link the Chamber to many of the political events around the country. Anonymous did not just have a document dump. It's a tsunami of secret Chamber documents, which will take months to digest. Anonymous makes Wikileaks look like pamphleteers. Thousands upon thousands of e-mails, documents and communications of the Chamber have been released.

The Chamber load is 1.2 Gigabytes. You can access them by going to Dailykos. You will need to decrypt the documents and will need TrueCrypt. A friendly blogger walks you through the steps.

The reason why the Anonymous cache caught the attention of the Dailykos blogger was because the documents link the activities of Michigan's MacKinac Center for Public Policy and the Koch-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, the conservative network which now writes all the state laws where Republicans have won. Digging into these documents, Michigan citizens will probably learn Corporate America's plans for the state in the regime of Governor Snyder.

Bravo, Anonymous.

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