Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ezra Klein is a Smartass

Ezra Klein is one of the few smart, young policy wonks who has come along in recent years. So after writing extensively about the Ryan Plan, the Obama Budget 2012, and all things concerning health care and government money matters, he springs on all us today a short column advising that the solution to the budget is to do nothing. That's right. Do absolutely nothing. He explains using the September CBO figures that the Bush tax cuts are to expire, the Medicare fix for doctors' payments has to be done but will be pro-rated and that the Affordable Care Act will be implemented. And he has the winning suggestion that this doesn't need 60 votes and we have to torture ourselves about what deals have to be made to get break the filibuster, etc. Check it out at the Washington Post. And look at the graphics. What a wise guy.

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