Thursday, November 17, 2011

We need a Leader, not a Reader--the hits keep coming

Herman Cain repeated the line from the Simpsons in his latest quip. To confirm Rachel Maddow's belief that Herman Cain is a performace artist, Cain cancelled his meeting with the Manchester-Union Leader because he didn't want video cameras in the room. Make sense, right? No more awesome videos of gaffes and pauses. But someone who is embraced by the teaparty to bow out of the only mandatory media stop in New Hampshire? The leading voice of conservatism in the state. The one media outlet in the State that might oppose Romney and embrace a tea party candidate. This is not a man seriously running for President. He is doing something different.

And what is the Cuban for delicious? A blogger posted a comment how awful was Cain saying this as you could see all the food in his mouth on screen. She questioned whether any other candidate ever was caught like this.

Rick Perry challenged Nancy Pelosi to a debate. About what isn't clear. But Perry wants to get back in the race so he picked on the number one Democratic name for conservative fund-raising as his target. Perplexed Nancy Pelosi e-mailed the Perry campaign that she would be out of town campaigning on the dates mentioned.

Swinging and missing on this, Perry then decided to go after Obama again. This time Perry said that Obama has never had to work at anything in his life. I can only intuit that this is the latest version about the "community organizer", professor,etc. with a dollop of Obama was an affirmative action child as opposed to Willard Romney who was a white privileged child. I guess there are still people who love that type of attack on the President but he also raises issues about what Republicans believe is real work. Certainly community organizer isn't, certainly being a teacher isn't, and certainly being a writer isn't. Perry also added the old refrain which I receive every day in my e-mails that Obama is a Socialist.

Meanwhile the great Socialist is in Australia establishing a military base at Darwin as a counter presence to China's emerging power in that region. Michelle Bachmann, who really is on the Intelligence Committee of the House, expressed surprise and alarm about this development. I guess she thinks Obama is going to attack white people.

Meanwhile the failed trip of Obama to Indonesia last year apparently paid off. Boeing just signed their largest deal in history with the Indonesia Airlines. What should trouble people interested in foreign policy was the total absence in the Republican debate of this whole region, which is becoming the economic powerhouse of the world. Instead, I received an e-mail this morning complaining that Obama during the Asian Summit referred to Hawaii as being in Asia. Which I thought it was. The same conservative didn't mention the Pacific Free Trade Pact, which if W had negotiated it would have received cheers.

Newton Leroy McPherson appeared on Fox to refute allegations that he lobbied for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Well, not only did he do that but Think Progress printed the whole list of corporate interests Newt lobbied for --everything from ethanol to oil subsidies. Jack Abramoff in his return called Newt "corrupt" , even emphasizing it when the moderator suggested that was too strong a word.

Corrupt-maybe but Willard Romney was accused yesterday of being a liar by the man who wrote the Massachusetts health care law, the signature achievement of Romney's political career. He said that the Affordable Health Care Act of President Obama's was the "same f**king bill".

Willard attacked President Obama for not being transparent but then it was discovered that there are no records left in Massachusetts from Romney's days as Governor. Massachusetts has a law that protects such records but it seems all of Romney's staff bought their hard drives for $69 each when they left office. Amazingly all of them needed hard drives when they left.

The majority of GOP voters have confidence that Newt can handle nuclear weapons better than Willard.

Willard seems to have a big ceiling problem. The latest polls still show that even with the rise and fall of other canidates Willard still averages about 23%, which he has since he entered the race a year ago. A GOP polllster believes this is deceptive because Willard comes up about 20% as the second choice and he said if you throw this together with a few factors you could get Willard up to 45%.

Political pundits worry that the fact Republicans really, really don't want Romney will dampen the enthusiasm of the base. Look Newt is polling almost two to one against Romney in California. Frankly, I don't think that's a problem because their drive will be fuled by hate for Barack Obama, "The One", "The Magic Negro", the Socialist, the Kenyan Muslim. That will animate the Republican base. The hope is that the bland, inoffensive Romney will attract the mythical independent voter, who doesn't want to live another four years with Republican obstructionism of the Black Man.

By the way as we head to Thanksgiving, do you think the media will cover what Barack Obama's Pilgrim ancestor did at Plymouth Rock on Thanksgiving? Did you ever know his ancestor was a Pilgrim?

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