Thursday, July 10, 2014

Andrew Sullivan Meep Meep Watch

++With John Boehner about to get the House Ok to sue the President and Sarah Palin and the Iowa GOP Senate candidate asking for impeachment, Andrew Sullivan reverts to form to ask about how President Obama is doing in his second term.

++The ACA went in one year from a bomb to a success. The rate of healthcare costs have moderated. Andrew cites the new Commonwealth Study which documents the in-roads the ACA has made. 

++The Imperial Post, "the humanitarian interventionists" and the neo-conservatives have blasted the President on Syria. But as Andrew points out that the most significant development in non-proliferation has been the removal and now destruction of Syria's chemical weapons without the United States firing a shot.

++The threat of Putin has gone away. The Ukraine has signed an agreement with the EU and Putin even looks like he is holding the separatists out to dry.

++The economy, which Obama has been criticized by the GOP from the beginning, has marked a record number of months with job creation and soon we will slip underneath the 6% unemployment mark.

++The Deficit has gone from 10%GDP to 2%GDP,which if under a Republican there would be dancing in the streets.

++The two remaining unknowns are the negotiations with Iran on the nuclear program and immigration reform.

++The last year has seen the GOP squander any advantages they might have gained. It is quite clear that the GOP is against contraceptives,have been put into a box on immigration reform and their impeachment talk has alienated middle America.

++Oh by the way, Colorado ruled for same sex marriage. It appears ,according to SCOTUSBLOG that it is likely the Supreme Court will take the case in the fall of 2014, hear arguments in March 2015 and decide in June 2015. Probably the case they will rule on is the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals Decision.

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