Saturday, July 5, 2014

Every Sperm Is Sacred

*Always great from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"

++Religious organizations are not too thrilled by HobbyLobby because they consider the company hypocrites and sacrilegious because it claimed that the company has a "soul" and "firmly held religious convictions" which seemed to become a little fluid when the ACA was passed. Religious groups, which also include fundamentalist Christians,are in mutiny because of the extent of closely held corporations in the United States. Think Koch Industries. Think Cargill. Is the Koch donations to Catholic universities just a trick to set-up the proposition that the Koch family will pretend to be religious?

++A blogger using the name Xaxnar at the Daily Kos may have hit on something in his piece "The Supreme Court (and Conservatives) Versus Funny Papers". The author summarizes the proliferation of cartoons and drawings lampooning the Court's decision. He does us all a favor by embedding the Monty Python song "Every Sperm is Sacred" as a great example of taking the situation ad absurdam. Perhaps the greatest weapon against such nonsense is Ridicule.

++Xaxnar does a lengthy analysis of the mindset that leads to such decisions. Of particular interest is a 2012 article in Altnet by Sara Robinson entitled," Why Patriarchal Men are utterly petrified of Birth Control--and Why we'll still be fighting about it 100 years from now." 

++Xaxnar runs through recent examples of how the authoritarian mindset responds to popular culture around the world such as North Korea's reaction to a recent Hollywood Comedy that focuses on them or Islamic extremist reactions to the Danish cartoon of Mohammed and the video on Islam that inflamed the Muslim world and ignited the riots that led to Benghazi and the attack on Cairo. The suggestion is that the Roberts Court would have condemned them also.

++Humor is the ultimately subversive tactic. Think the Pussy Riot or the Plastic People of the Universe in Czechoslovakia during the Velvet Revolution.

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