Monday, May 18, 2015

GOP Facing Iraq

++Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo has had several days of posting about the Iraq statements by Jeb and Marco Rubio. Josh says the problem is that the GOP has never had a reckoning on Iraq like the Democrats did on Vietnam or even Iraq for that matter.

++The Donald has weighed in by telling Steve Doocy at Fox we should never have been there and that while Saddam was terrible ,ISIS is worse.

++Marc Theissen advises Jeb to ignore Iraq of 2003 and talk about Iraq now.

++Ms. Lindsey Graham says that if you think about joining ISIS, he'll drone you.

++Maureen Dowd this weekend actually wrote a good column about the Iraq War and Jeb's dilemma.

++Oh, and some two months after the Economist wrote about the Saudis seeking a Pakistan nuclear arm,the State Department warned that the Saudis were doing just that in fear of Iran.

++As W said,"As we stand down, the Iraqis will stand up" or "Run away" as the case may be. ISIS overran the Iraqi troops again in Ramadi so that the Iraqi government unleashed the Shiite militias to win the city back. 

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