Thursday, July 21, 2016


++This was the moment. Donald J. Trump says we are living in hell with the most killing at home he has seen in his lifetime. We are threatened by everyone. Don't trust the FBI because they didn't indict Hillary so they make up crime figures.

++Immigrants take high paying jobs away from African-Americana and Hispanics. we are being overrun by immigrants. We must stop all immigration from places with terrorism or violence.

++Andrew Sullivan said that this was the most protectionist speech he has ever heard in the United States. 

++Pundits can't seem to understand why Trump is screaming when the audience is at home and he is miked. When he reads from the teleprompter is is stilling and slow. He ad-libs alot.

++The country he envisions you don't want to live in. He claims we have the highest tax rates in the world--un true. He claims our mining and coal industry can generate $20 trillion over two decades, Not provable. 

++Earlier in the day he destroyed all foreign policy in his interview with the New York Times.  Tonight he just wrecks the rest of the country. 

++Nate Silver is flustered because Donald seems to think the Democrats had their convention and won't answer back.

++It was very unclear of what swing vote could be touched by this speech which was so gloomy. 

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