Thursday, July 21, 2016


++Josh Marshall wondered what more chaos could happen at the GOP convention. I suggest that the chaos Trump plays on is precisely why some many people are anxious. We have no idea how this plays to a wider audience. Does the disorganization help or harm? In former days,this would have been devastating to a party and a candidate.

++Josh uncovers that the "embargoed " speech of Ted Cruz was the same he delivered. "Vote your conscience" was in there. Cruz speech had to be cleared by the RNC. Michael Beschloss says that this hasn't happened before.

++Josh gets into the weeds because he is as baffled by all this as everyone else. You eat prime-time television to allow Ted Cruz to denounce your nominee.

++Marshall has always maintained Cruz was a weasel but what was his game. What it tells you about this convention is alot.

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