Thursday, July 28, 2016


++The DNC made Republicans weep. They have admitted through tweets that the DNC stood strong on American values and sunny optimism. One GOPer cried where did my party go. 

++The DNC was interesting in that it did not criticize Republicans. In fact it used clips of Republicans saying Trump would be a disaster as commander-in-chief. 

++It was no mistake that Trump asked his followers not to watch the DNC. The DNC consistently  outdrew the RNC in ratings. Trump's nomination speech was considered the worst Gallup had ever polled.

++The DNC followed up today with a Medal of Honor winner,the Muslim parents of an American solder who died in combat who accused Trump of lacking patriotism. And a general who sounded like he was urging the Democrats to hit the beaches.

++I guess I will have to vote for Hillary Clinton because my childhood hero backed her--Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Kareem made an appearance.

++Last night sent conservative commentators sputtering that the Democrats could now claim the mantle of national security. They really resented President Obama using morning in America. 

++Did Hillary's speech turned the opinion of white men? Don't know. But she sure conveyed the impression of a credible commander in chief.

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