Sunday, November 27, 2016


You should take comfort in the fact that Trump asked male model Fabio who he should choose as Secretary of State-Rudy or Mitt.

Keyyanne Conway explained Trump not receiving intelligence briefings because he talked to over 40 international leaders. 

Reince Preibus say that Trump will undo the normalization with Cuba unless they make concessions. Forget the fact that the US and Cuba negotiated the end to the civil war in Colombia begun in 1948.

Jerry Farwell's son turned down the position of Secretary of Education. So we went from Michelle Rhee to Farwell to DeVos. 

The right is getting hysterical about the recount saying it is a Democratic plot to make sure Trump doesn't have enough electoral votes on December 19th because the process we be too long.

On the Iranian Nuclear Deal,yesterday's New York Times had an op-ed explaining how difficult Trump will have in reversing the deal. He would have to penalize European banks and businesses doing business with Iran. He will not have the Security Council behind him and any additional sanctions by the US will trigger complaints that the USA is not complying. That we  bring back the W. reaction to Clinton's North Korean deal where Clinton was perceived as too soft and W reinstated sanctions only to lead to North Korea's development of a nuclear arsenal.

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