Friday, May 6, 2011

Forget the Yellow Snow, Don't Eat The Tuna

As Rush Limbaugh says, the United States is run by a "whimpy manchild". The Right cntinue on their deather dreams today. Judson Phillips of the Koch-created teabaggers claims that President Obama really didn't want to kill bin Laden and he should know because the rumors are all over the internet.

But Johnny Yoo, who says that the President should crush children's testicles, said today that the killing of bin Laden will go down as Obama's greatest strategic blunder.

The right is leaping on the Jake Tapper tweet from yesterday about the lowering the American flag at Ground Zero (for a photo backdrop) as more evidence that Obama hates America. Of course, no such thing happened but that doesn't mean anything. Obama wanted to wrap himself in the flag but wanted to take it down anyway.

Freepers are great. They have a call out to everyone on the Seal Team 6 that Eric Holder wants to prosecute them for killing bin Laden. Apparently, this little ditty got enough legs to have Michael Gerson take a swipe at Eric Holder saying that the President used techniques he would have disapproved of.

Peggy "Ole Martini" Noonan wrote a piece demanding Obama release the photo of bin Laden as proof he really was dead. Just a note--a military veteran told me the ammunition used would have blown out the back of bin Laden's head and make him look unrecognizable.

I thought Rick Santorum really hit it out of the park last night when he said that Obama used Bush's "master plan to kill bin Laden", neglecting to tell his audience that W closed ALEC, the CIA unit that hunted bin Laden in 2006.

David Koch went public to New York magazine to say that Obama deserved no credit whatsoever and that he only had to say yes or no. He went on to say Obama was a "hardcore socialist" who scare him alot. Some wag noted that Koch described Obama as a CEO and wondered if Koch felt that way about CEOs that approved business projects and whether they deserved massive salaries for that type of work.

Al Qaeda ruined everyone's day by publicly acknowledging that their leader indeed was dead and they would seek revenge. I would like to see the Al Qaeda debate over who's to take over.

Marc Thiessen, the Washington Post's leading torture freak, wrote a column that said that Obama should apologize to all the CIA interrogators, who used "enhanced interrogation" techniques to elicit information on Al Qaeda. This has resulted in a massive pushback from both Republicans and Democrats that these techniques yielded nothing of value for the kill.

The Pakistani have beefed up their lobbying efforts to refute the notion that they harbored bin laden all these years. There has been a bipartisan roar for cutting off Pakistan's aid because circumstantial evidence is emerging that mid-level ISI personnel did indeed know that bin Laden was living in a "mansion" somewhere in the country.

Sure enough, Scott Rasmussen who was arguing there would be no bump for Obama in the polls produced today's poll that showed no bump. Even though everyone else's poll did show a bump, which even Nate "the Great" Silver acknowledged was on the low-end for an event such as this.

It was reported this afternoon that the Administration may release the video of the burial to assuage the 9-11 families and other death freaks. Militant Islamists have already named the body of water where bin Laden landed "the Sea of the Martyr."

Preliminary findings of Obama's harddrives suggest he was planning an anniversary 9-11 plot for this year. The plan reads alot like the plot Obama broke up in 2009 that called for the bombing of Grand Central Station and the destruction of the New York subway system. This plot was handled in a typical low-key fashion and received very little news attention. Given the fact that bin Laden liked to repeat his actions like Twin Towers,it's reasonable to suppose the anniversary plot looked alot like the failed 2009 plan.

The United States followed up on the bin Laden killing with drone strikes in Yemen, the first since 2002, killing several mid-level Al Qaeda operatives.

The deathers have been dealt a blow. Now the birthers ,according to recent polls, dropped to 2% in one poll and 10% in another. Orly Taitz will have to ramp up her new Social Security fraud charges against Obama.

And what about the $5 a gallon gasoline, Mr . President. This was the latest meme until oil prices started to collapse 10% over the last few days.

Well, there is always the economy. This month's job news is that the economy created the most jobs in five years but unemployment is still at 9%.

Well, at least Qaddafhi hasn't gone yet--there's a failure. The King of Kings on Wednesday reminded the world that he was the first one on Planet Earth who issued an arrest warrant through Interpol for bin Laden. Absolutely true. And now all he gets is a NATO attempt to overthrow him.

The whole bin Laden thing has brought up old terrible memories of 9/11 and the aftermath. I have been appalled at the ungracious statements of the Republicans on this and this effort to resurrect what we want dead and buried--the Bush Administration's failures and the whole torture debate.

If you want to watch an excellent summary of the Bush actions in this regard, watch Ed Shultz' "the Credit Bush Deserves" on the website for the Ed Show or on YouTube. If we return to the national security policies of that time, the United States is certain to fail over and over again. If you want to credit Bush somehow, do yourself a service and watch this chronology. It is an awful indictment of incompetence, callousness and negligence. If anything Dick Cheney owes President Obama an apology for his countless attacks on the President's resolve and toughness.

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