Monday, May 30, 2011

A Week After Bibi's Speech of A Lifetime

The Secretary General of the United Nations urged that there not be another Gaza Flotilla.

The Secretary-General also said that it was unlikely that Palestine would be recognized by the UN because of security council vetoes.

Egypt permanently opened its border with Gaza and said that no Europeans would be allowed to monitor the border crossings as in the past.

President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority makes a public declaration that he would be going to the United Nations for a September vote on recognition.

The Arab League voted to take the Palestine question to the United Nations.

Israel claims that it was Bibi who got the Canadians to drop the 1967 border reference at the G-8 meeting. A flap ensues and the Israeli government steps back from that claim.

Rallies are announced on the Jordan and Syria borders to commemorate the 1967 war. Israeli authorities predict violence.

Bibi finally tells the Israeli public that Israel can not stop the recognition of a Palestinian state. He tells the country that he expects the support of only a handful of countries to try and prevent this.

Remember this was the whole point of President Obama's push to restart the peace process so as to stop any United Nations vote and not end up with the isolation of both the United States and Israel.

Bibi probably thought extracting Obama's commitment to veto was enough. But that will trigger more difficulties both both countries, not less.

Nice job, Bibi!

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