Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Blue Time

++The hit today is Fortune's investigative piece on Fast and Furious. If you didn't understand it before, forget what you think you know and start over again.

++The NRA has announced it will mark down representatives who do not vote to hold Attorney General Holder in contempt of court.

++The Black Caucus has vowed to walk out on the Contempt vote.

++Some Democrats from conservative districts are crossing lines and voting to hold the Attorney-General in contempt, although several officials from all administrations are always held in contempt. For history's sake, they should capture the Attorney-General and hold him in a cell in the House.

++Tomorrow is the day Washington has been waiting for The Supreme Court on Affordable Healthcare. Most pundits have written that the Supreme Court will toss at least the individual mandate and maybe the whole thing. The disaster that would ensure will not be believed. However, Robert Reich again predicts a 6-3 vote but his reasoning is all political and I don't think the 5 consider that they are in disgrace. SCOTUSBLOG very timidly predicts--not with a lot of confidence--that the mandate will not be invalidated tomorrow. SCOTUSBLOG is the place to read the decision first as this two person blog has expanded exponentially over the last few years after being sponsored by Bloomberg Law. It is the place for all Supreme Court Watchers.

++Fox News now has Obama 45-Romney 40 when last week both were tied at 43.

++By a two-thirds margin, Americans believe Barack Obama would protect the country best from an invasion by space aliens.

++Nate the Great has Obama with a slight uptick after the polls from the swing states. He has Obama with a 65.1% chance of winning. Obama at 293 Electoral Votes and Romney at 244. 

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