Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Polls Before the Next Bummer

The GOP is still figuring out how to deal with President Obama's Dream Act-lite policy changes. P.S. It was not an Executive Order. 64% of Americans support the move and Hispanic support has continued to grow. For this reason, the Romney people had to reverse their position that Marco Rubio was not being vetted for Vice President. Now, alas, he is but he decided not to introduce his version of the Dream Act to the Senate floor. John Boehner said that the reason the Dream Act was approved was because of President Obama, although the facts are that Republicans filibustered the measure.

The Obama Campaign fears Romney will announce a $100 million month because of all the billionaires donating. 

The whole capital is on pins and needles anticipating the Supreme Court ruling on Healthcare, which only shows how sad it is Americans have to wait for permission to get healthcare since we don't have a system.

So before negative news eats up the next few days, let's review the polls.

A big blast for Obama was the Bloomberg national poll ,which showed Obama a stunning 53% to Romney's 40. But I think more important was the Bloomberg poll on the question,"Are you better off today than when Obama was elected? 45% said they were better off now and 36% said they were worse. This actually improves Obama's chances.

Lots of state polls were released today and if they hold up President Obama will do real well in the West.

Nevada 48-42
Colorado 49-42
Washington 49-41 (Elway)
Washington 53-40
Wisconsin 49-43 (Marquette)
Arizona Romney 49-46 (Project New America),which shows Arizona may become a swing state.
Sam joint has Romney winning Michigan by 2 and Obama winning Iowa by 1.

Election political has Obama at 279 and Romney at 230 with Florida being the only state up for grabs.
Huffington Post has it Obama 253EV and Romney 191EV. 
The Toss-ups are Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio, North Carolina and Florida. It doesn't take much to believe Obama can pull it out.

It looks like Washington State really will pass a referendum to allow same sex marriage. Polls show overwhelming support.

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