Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A New Year's Gift

++ The Cool School:Writing from America's Hip Underground, edited by Glenn O'Brien, Library of America.

The Cool School is cool. This a wonderful anthology of the writings from the hip. Floating through the air in the first pieces is the music of Charlie Parker. In particular a nice piece of Miles Davis' autobiography on the subject of him playing with the Bird. Jazz and classical references dot the early pieces until Rock shows up near the end. What better way to reach the Rock Age than with Lester Bangs attacking Lou Reed.

I haven't read the whole volume yet but here are some oldies but goodies. Lord Buckley treats us to The Naz. Yes, we have the Beats. Terry Southern turns out to be a better writer than I remember in You're too Hip,Baby. Ishmael Reed has an excerpt from Mumbo Jumbo. Gary Indiana reminds us he was a writer with a bit about Roy Cohn,explaining why he was against gay rights. Rudolph Wurlitzer is represented by Nog. Nick Tosches reminds us why we read him with a great excerpt from his book on Dean Martin. And it is totally appropriate to end an anthology on the hip with George Carlin's A Modern Man.

Compared to the other selections, Norman Mailer's White Negro  comes off contrived. I never cared for Lenny Bruce and his bit Pills and Shit didn't make his case any better.Even the selection by Mort Sahl on Billy Graham Rally in New York was funnier.

Bob Dylan, Hunter Thompson,Ed Sanders,Andy Warhol, and Jack Kerouac all make appearances. 

I am sure others would have made difference choices but Glenn O'Brien's selections are superb in portraying the hip and the cool. It is a fun read and for this geezer nostalgic.

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