Sunday, December 1, 2013

I guess they Changed the Channel

++The L.A. Times says the website is improved but not perfect. Does this mean Obama lied again?

++USA Today says it's not the federal website that matters but the numbers from the state exchanges. So liberalism will live on in New York and California.The chief lobbyist for the insurance industry, which fought ACA tooth and nail, says the industry is really worried about back end issues.

++Townhall has an article that you shouldn't believe what Obama officials tell you about Obamacare.

++The National Journal has a devastating article about how Darryl Issa blew the new rollout because he was supposed to release his report on it yesterday and he blew the news cycle. Next he will shoot at a watermelon to show that President Obama killed Andrew Breibart.

++Ross Douhat is miffed at the Pope and says that conservatives are not "cafeteria Catholics" and that the Pope really didn't mean his letter because if it were an encyclical he would be infallible. Besides,globally income disparity is not increasing. Say What? I guess Ross will have alot of explaining to do.

++I guess liberalism will be on life support until the Sunday Talk Shows where rich,white,aging males who always have had health insurance will explain why the website is the biggest issue that ever faced America and that the President is incompetent. 

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