Monday, December 9, 2013

Afternoon Delight

++ Harry Reid postponed the vote to confirm Patricia Millett to the D.C. Circuit Court.

++We're Rich! The United States household income is $77.3 trillion because of the rise in stocks and real estate value.

++Heritage Action came out and opposed the Ryan-Murray Budget proposal, even though no one knows what it is.

++Rep. Walter Jones is moving to declassify 28 pages of the reeducated 9/11 report that concerns the role of Saudi Arabia.

++Dick Cheney came out against the Iran deal because of Obamacare.

++Darryl Issa is wrapping up his Obamacare tour in Arizona and reports everyone wants it repealed. Harry Reid told Republicans get over it.

++Conservative Republican Mark Obernshein who lost the Attorney General's election in Virginia by about 150 votes now protests that vote security in Fairfax, a traditional Democratic stronghold, was lax. Next week, the recount begins.

++Providence Bishop Thomas Tobin came up with a unique criticism of Nelson Mandela--he had the wrong position on abortion.

++Amazing fact on the Thom Hartman show, it took fifteen years from when the first bill was submitted to the passage of sanctions against South Africa.

++No one in this area reported on the Saturday meeting of the John Birch Society at Mt. Vernon to discuss how best to resist President Obama.

++Greg Sargent reports that the extension of unemployment assistance looks like it will be omitted from any budget deal.

++The Ukrainian President said he would agree to talks with the protestors to resolve the issues tearing that country apart.

++President Obama is currently in flight to South Africa with Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush and Laura. Bill is traveling separately.

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