Tuesday, February 10, 2015

More Bibi

++#Bibi Doesn't Speak For me--Is the new J Street twitter account. J Street has asked John Boehner to postpone the speech.

++Senator Leahy is not going to attend the speech because it has gotten so politicized. He called the invitation "tawdry".

++Bibi says he is not going to insult President Obama but talk about what threatens Jews. He calls the speech "existential". 

++And you thought Jewish voters were smarter? I did. It seems that 20% of Israelis don't even know who Labor leader Herzog is. 

++President Obama, Ayatollah Khamenei, Bibi Netanyahu agree for once. They don't want a "bad deal" on Iran's nuclear program. I am sure all three can't agree on a "bad deal".

++Jennifer Rubin has an op-ed in the Imperial Post detailing what she thinks are deviations by President Obama on the nuclear deal. She also wants to introduce size of warheads and throw weights of missiles into the discussion. She likens the Iranian talks to our nuclear arms discussion with the Soviet Union. 

++Slight problem here is that Iran, as every intelligence agency in the world, including Israel, will tell you Iran doe not have a nuclear device. Greater men than me have explained in great detail the problems of designing a nuclear warhead. One thing to remember is that the West has around the table people with many years of experience with nuclear weapons. It is something we actually know something about.

++The real short-term threat to Israel are Ballistic missiles, which can do extraordinary damage with conventional warheads. Remember Rumsfeld's great MOAB, which would create an atomic-like explosion. In a small land-mass like Israel,such weapons would be devastating.

++The problem remains like an EU ambassador said at the start of these talks. We are negotiating over a rug but haven't seen it yet.

++The Israeli press is saying that President Obama can't unseat Bibi like Clinton did or President H.W. Bush did to a prior Prime Minister. Too bad.

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