Monday, June 1, 2015

Rand Paul Becomes Republican Enemy Number One

++All last week I was flooded by fund-raising e-mails from the Campaign for Liberty, the Ron Paul franchise, bragging about Rand Paul's efforts to stop the Patriot Act. 

++If Ted Cruz alienated the GOP establishment with his stunts of shutting down the government, Rand Paul has turned a blowtorch against his colleagues.

++Last night's debate got nasty with Rand Paul trying usurp the remaining time of those who opposed the measure to approve the Patriot Act. It was distinctly Republican in its nastiness. Rand Paul had basically split from the Republican majority and riled John McCain who belittled him on the Senate floor. But when the night was done,the Republican majority had no choice but to move to a debate on the House bill this Tuesday.

++Jeb Bush,Lindsey Graham and John McCain have lit into Rand Paul as dangerous to national security. McCain adds to the bill of charges that Rand Paul was doing this for money and grandstanding. And he was. Rand Paul lacks a billionaire backer for his presidential bid and needs to revive his father's grassroots organization to have even a slight chance in the primaries.

++The knives are being sharpened as Rand Paul took last week to criticize the GOP for its thirst for war and how the party's brand "sucks". He's right but Iowa caucus goers are not amused by Paul's newest chance to claim distinction. And the party honchos are horrified by his "disrespect". The biggest gripe until last week was that he wore jeans and cowboy boots to the Koch try-out and was dismissed by them. 

++Missing from last night's debate was mention of Democratic resistance to the Patriot Act. Senators Wyden and Heinrich has been more consistent on this than Paul but Paul made it his issue to garner headlines. The question is whether it resonates with anyone once the New America Freedom Act passes.

++Despite the alarms by national security types, little will have changed with the new bill. And Paul is resigned to seeing that passed. 

++Bernie Sanders forces the Clinton campaign to tack left. Does the Paul campaign force the GOP nominees to tack away from the Neo-cons? I doubt it.

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