Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year Resolution For Politicians

To save alot of trouble, debate and polarization, there are alot of issues which can be dealt with by doing nothing.

All these issues are interesting and thought-provoking, but the first law should be do no harm.

Concerned about a large federal government? Don't be. The Baby-Boomers are retiring in droves after two years of Recession. Now the USG can't even process all the pensions on time. Wait two years and we will have an urgent need to hire more government workers.

The National Deficit get to you? Just let the Bush tax-cuts expire and end the Afghanistan war a year sooner. The deficit disappears and hopefully more revenue will come in with a recovering economy.

Energy Independence? We are now exporting oil at a rate greater than at anytime in 50 years. All the available oil and gas rigs are being used. There is a rush to rehabilitate old ones. The Obama Administration has quadrupled alternative energy sources in public lands and there is a boom in the solar energy and wind sectors. Even without the XL pipeline, the United States looks to be energy independent within 4 years. So don't mess it up.

Illegal Immigration? Has dwindled to a trickle because of the Recession and the deportations. Now it is a wash in terms of economic affect on the country. Should there be immigration reform? Probably but nothing constructive will happen. So let it be.

Social Security? Don't touch it. It will last 36 more years paying out 100%. If we ever get sane politicians back, you can easier amend it so it will last another 75 to 100 years. The only ones talking about Social Security are ideologues who would love to destroy it.

Medicare? The Affordable Care Act actually cuts Medicare costs and provides for cracking down on fraud. Keep the Affordable Care Act and then see what happens after 2014.

Gay Marriage? If you are against it, don't marry a gay. All the efforts by NOM and homophobes will come to naught. In the meantime, alot of taxpayer funds will be spent trying to defend the Defence of Marriage Act, which two Reagan apointed judges has already ruled unconstitutional.

Voter Fraud? The RNC came up with a whopping 350 cases nationally of voter fraud. Maine, New Mexico and Wisconsin, who adopted new Voter ID systems,have admitted there is hardly any evidence of voter fraud. Not even enough to hit half of a percent. Presumably, we would like more citizens to vote in a democratic process. Just leave the process alone.

Federated funded abortions? House Republicans spent most of 2010 outlawing every kind of federally funded abortion. They have no existed since the Hyde Amendment over 20 years ago. Don't even think about it.

Drug Testing for recipients of unemployment insurance. You pay for your unemployment insurance. You are entitled to it. In the states where there is drug testing. Those who flunk are between 3 and 6 %. The costs of drug testing far outweigh the benefits these people would receive. It's a waste of time and money.

I am sure you can add to my list. But those are a few issues where I urge people to do nothing.

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