Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday

++President Obama hasn't resigned today as Larry Klayman demanded. A right-wing website said that President Obama has other plans--declaring martial law and putting Americans in FEMA camps. He will use foreign troops to do it.

++Politico today has an article on 50 people who have already filed papers with the FEC to run for President in 2016. Quite a crew. A fun read.

++A birther preacher claims the woman shot down after crashing the White House gates this past week was the mother of Obama's "love child". 

++Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media says that Pope Francis long papal letter on "reckless capitalism" shows the Marxist problem inside the Church.

++David Gregory interviews Cardinal Dolan tomorrow who says that the Catholic Church has been "out marketed" on same sex marriage and the Church isn't really anti-gay.

++Washington Monthly today has an analysis why the Post's warnings about a Republican wave election should be taken with a grain of salt. Democrats defended over 250 seats in 2010, many of them in Republican-leaning districts.

++Also in Washington Monthly, James Wimberley uses the various numbers on Obamacare and Medicaid expansion to write "Thanks to Obamacare,One million people now have health insurance". 

++Brian Beutler in Salon writes about "What To Expect with Obamacare's November 30 Re-launch."

++Kathleen Sebelius at Huffington Post writes how to holiday shop on Use the off-hours.

++Paul Krugman keeps on going. At first, he wasn't going to write about Obamacare but now he comes in with a blog on its Cost Savings.

++Tim Egan in today's New York Times writes" Rooting for Failure", an analysis on the GOP actually rooting for America to fail throughout the Obama Presidency. He asks the readers to try and remember when a major political party openly wished initiatives to assist Americans fail. From the auto bailout, the stimulus,the Affordable Care Act, the list goes on.

++Meanwhile, 76,000 New Yorkers have signed up for health insurance on that state's exchange. 

++The Post worries today that maybe not enough young people will sign up for health insurance to make premium costs affordable.

++Buzzfeed has a story about a website that tracks those killed or injured during Black Thursday. Protesters here in Alexandria, Virginia were arrested at Walmart's and elsewhere in the state other shoppers shot each other.

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