Tuesday, May 6, 2014

PPP Poll on Benghazi

++Republicans believe this is one of the biggest scandals in American History. 41% agree. 43% disagree.

++10% of Democrats agree,20% of independents.

++Among the GOP--74 to 19% believe worse than Watergate. (my favorite) 74% to 12% worse than Teapot Dome. (Thanks to Rachel Maddow, we know the Teapot Dome Naval Oil Reserve is just now being sold to the private sector.) 70% to 20% worse than Iran-Contra.

++Given the GOP's political agenda to use Benghazi against Hillary Clinton,voters trust Hillary Clinton on Benghazi over congressional Republicans 49 to 38%.

++Among those who think this is the worse political scandals in American history,39% do not know where Benghazi is.

++9% say in Iran.
++10% in Egypt
++  6% in Cuba
++  5% in Syria
++  4% in Iraq
++  1% in North Korea
++  1% in Liberia 
++  4% Not Guessing

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