Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Newt The Next FDR?

I couldn't resist the Dailykos header based on an upcoming Time magazine piece. No, FDR was the Secretary of the Navy and the Governor of the largest state in the union. yes, he was rich just like Newt and Mitt but he came from old wealth.

But Newt is romping--even though he is drowning in debt. He is being taken so seriously that Karl Rove, who has been a closet Romney supporter, is putting out the spin that Newt must win Iowa by 10 points, otherwise he would not succeeded. This is Karl in his old destroyer mode.

Gallup has narrowed the GOP race to only two candidates acceptable to Republicans--Gingrich 63% and Romney at 54%.

According to an New York Times poll of Fox News viewers, 50% are for Newt and only 12% are for Romney, which clearly influenced Romney saying yesterday he would appear on Fox more often because "you guys are important."

In the latest PPP Iowa poll, Newt has 27%, Paul 18%, Romney 16% and Bachmann at 13%.

The Washington Post Iowa poll has Newt at 33%, Romney at 18%, Paul at 18% and Rick Perry at 11%.

The latest poll out of South Carolina has newt at 38% and Romney at 22%.

Perhaps the polling question most devastating to Mitt Romney was a New York Times Iowa poll question"Do you believe Romney says what he believes or what people want to hear? 40% Believe; 53% what people want to hear; Newt is at 63% believe and only 30% what people want to hear.

The Romney campaign has been trying to play catch-up. Yesterday, Dan Quayle endorsed him and McCain has taken to tweeting positive things about Romney. And Romney took to attacking President Obama for playing too much golf and going on vacation. We have come full circle. In the old days, Democrats blasted Ike for always playing golf and going on vacation. Also Romney decided to attack Obama on not backing Israel enough.

But the Newt candidacy will be something to watch. Democrats are salivating at the idea he would be the candidate. The GOP is in spin mode, claiming Newt is the most vetted candidate in history--namely we sort of know all the myriad scandals he has been involved in. And this raises the interesting question whether a candidate can be so tarnished that the electorate is just comfortable with all his flaws.

The other little political science question is whether a candidate so far in debt can actually mount a successful campaign who has his campaign war chest full.

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