Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Air Romney

Washingtonmonthly.com has an interesting post this morning about the expenditures for ads in Alabama and Mississippi. Over 91% of all ads in these states for the primaries are bought by Super Pacs. Romney's Restore Our Future purchased 65% of all ads in Alabama and Mississippi.

Some of the statistics are staggering. You have to feel sorry for the citizens in both states. Romney's PAC has run 2,098 times in Alabama through the 11th. His campaign only 279 ads. In Mississippi his Pac ran 1,548 ads and his campaign none.

Romney has spent four times Gingrich in Alabama and three times in Mississippi. Romney has a 7 to 1 edge in Alabama and 5-1 edge over Santorum.

So don't be surprised if money doesn't win out tonight.

Meanwhile, Bishop Willard has ruled Santorum out as Vice President because he wants a Vice-President who is more conservative than he is.

Yesterday Gingrich had to quiet rumors that he had offered Rick Perry the Vice Presidency if he won the nomination.

Romney has been all folksy in the South. He reminded people that he knew many men "who owned NFL players". In short, he knows many people who own NFL teams but he got the regional interest in.

Yesterday was Mitt Romney's 65th birthday. He reminded people he was not applying for Medicare and proceeded to repeat the old Medicare lies about the Obama Administration that the right has been peddling. But no one commented on the fact he is 65 and would be close to 66 when he is sworn into office. He may look fit but do you want someone that age in the White House?

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