Thursday, March 8, 2012

Evening Delights

++The Romney campaign has revealed that their anti-Obama project is named "The Prosecution of Obama"--classy, heh?

++Good news, the United States put the Vatican on its money-laundering list.

++Rush Limbaugh is down to just 1 paid ad in the New York City area.

++Elaine Pagels spoils all the fun in "Revelations: Visions, Prophecy and Politics in the Book of Revelations". She confirms what this blog told you years ago--Nero was the anti-Christ. This will disappoint the fundies. "Behold the Pale Horse". It is a great read and Dr. Pagels makes the setting for the writing of Revelations come alive.

++And speaking of great biblical exegetes, Senator Jim Inhofe says that climate change is refuted by Genesis 8:22, " long as earth remains there will be seed time,and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night". He accuses climate scientists of being arrogant and assuming there is no God, who is still above us.

++The Southern Poverty Law Center printed their latest findings. There are 1,018 hate groups currently operating in the United States,up from 602 in 2000.

++Dick Morris wrote an op-ed that expresses some concerns I've heard that Bibi Netanyahu has Obama's political fate in his hand. Morris dismisses Obama's talk about diplomacy and says that if Israel strikes Iran first, they will buy 1 to 3 years and then effective sanctions can work for years. There would be an effective increase in the price of oil and doom Obama's re-election chances assuring that a pro-Israeli Republican Administration comes into office. Morris actually believes Israel can pull such an operation off. Secondly, there is an assumption that the American people this time will thrill to Israeli prowess and not rally around their President. And another is that Obama will pay the price. Maybe true. But this smacks of Karl Rove's warnings that we will face a terrorist attack with Obama in the White House. Republicans are desperate for some outside force to defeat Obama because they can't. They need it to be someone or some force to seriously damage the country. So much for patriotism. The Hate America Firsters. It is the "we want Obama to fail" syndrome. It is why I am not a Republican anymore.

++Meanwhile a new Rasmussen poll shows 43% of Republicans want a new candidate; only 36% are satisfied with the field. Gallup has a new index that measures "positive intensity score". The score measures the percentage who have a strongly favorable view of each candidate minus the percentage who have a strongly unfavorable one. Romney's is a +13 among Republicans, while Santorum is +15. Obama is +36 among Democrats. What this measures is intensity. Obama's greater than double intensity is higher than the rating in 2008 of the Democratic candidates versus Republicans at this same time. Then Democrats were either going to vote for the first African-American or the first woman President and the Republican President was in the dumpster. This year Republicans were salivating at the chance to defeat Barack Obama, the Usurper. But given their candidates, the enthusiasm gap is being reversed.

++Over the last few years I have remarked how public opinion polls of political attitudes conflicted greatly with Beltway pundits and congressional actions. For instance, Bloomberg News published a poll today that shows that 64% of Americans, including a plurality of Republicans,believe public workers should be able to bargain collectively for their wages. Also 63% believe States should not be able to break pension agreements they've made. Which is directly opposite what Republican Governors have been doing.

++On Super Tuesday the networks had exit poll numbers that showed over 50% of Republicans wanted abortion to remain legal. You would never know these people existed anymore. Today, a New York State Republican, a woman legislator, said she supported Obama because her party would put the cause of women back decades--exactly.

++And speaking of the stone age, Arizona passed a law today where a doctor can lie to a woman in pre-natal treatment about the condition of her child so as to avoid an abortion. And in Kansas, they are suggesting a tax on woman who want an abortion procedure, even if they have been raped.

++If you are unemployed or want a job, why not send your resume and C.V, to Willard "Mitt" Romney. He promised to create 11.5 million jobs. Get him started right away. Mitt will get you a Job

++Since it is clear that Romney's SuperPac and their Willie Horton ad nab is going to wage one of the dirtiest campaigns in modern history, why shouldn't the media make Romney's religion an issue? We've heard every Republican candidate either claimed God told him to run or make professions of their faith,why don't we hear the same from Bishop Romney. Maybe because it is too weird and will turn people off. When people say they do not know what Romney believes, he believes in Mormonism and money. We know about the money but since he is directly descended from the first Mormons and is part of their theological royalty, Americans should know what they are getting into. If a scientologist were running for office, you would explain some expose of their belief system.

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