Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Well, That Was Quick!

The sky didn't fall so people can stop peeing in the Wheaties.

Nate Silver suggests there was statistical noise in the polls in the Times and Post and that if you take the Gallup tracking polls and the average of Obama's approval in the last few weeks--this past week looked basically like the previous one.

PPP's new poll for the Dailykos has the Favorable for Obama 48-47 and the Approval Rating 48-49, which shows continual improvement. Don't ask me the difference between favorable and approve.

PPP tweeted in response to the hysteria on the Intertubes that Obama did very well in their weekend polling in PA and North Carolina and don't believe the drop.

The GOP is flogging today that President Obama wants $4 gas. But a closer look at even the Washington Post poll shows that only 18% of the public blame Obama for rising gas prices. Big OIL and Middle Eastern tensions are to name by over two-thirds of the country.

Gallup has Obama at 49% again and reports he has enjoyed his best period of ratings since the death of Bin Laden, who really is still dead. Gallup also reports that Americans feel better about the economy than at any time in four years.

But who knows what happens by late afternoon.

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