Thursday, January 29, 2015

I Protest

++Everybody is cheering the firing of Bryan Fischer at AFA. But think about the implications of this. The AFA, not only is organizing but funding the RNC's trip to support the re-election of Bibi. No one would know about the American Family Association without Bryan Fischer. He has been their public face and their voice for the Obama years. They wouldn't have gotten to the Big Show without him.

++The first sign anyone focuses their attention on the group and complains they have bizarre and outlandish beliefs they throw Fischer under the bus. They still have not abandoned their beliefs. And Rightwing Watch and millions of Americans are deprived of entertainment. But AFA still gets to sponsor the trip for the National Republican Party. It only rejected Fischer's statement that the Holocaust was caused by gays but not his view that Judaism is a fake religion. I guess that Jewish guy who was crucified had a fake religion.

++Rev. Hagee was never fired when he called for a Second Holocaust--yes, he did. And Bibi greeted him after this statement instead of Joe Biden, who has been a staunch ally of Israel for his entire political life. The only reason the GOP disowned him was that he went after Catholics but Bibi never did.

++What is also an affront is Vishnu Jindal erasing Prophetess Cindy Jacobs call for people to attend his Prayer Rally.  I love Cindy Jacobs. She is real Americana and not of the vicious kind, just loopy.She was probably the only draw to that event at LSU.

++Now this brings us back to Bibi and his alliance with people thought pernicious by Americans. Remember the Queen of Birthers, Orly Taitz and her frequent legal suits pretending President Obama couldn't be President. She bragged that Bibi friended her on Facebook and for once she actually produced the screenshot proving it. He never unfriended her.

++Now about gays and the Holocaust, do you realize when Auschwitz was liberated that the gays were put back inside to "serve out their time". True. You can look it up as Casey Stengel would say.

++For my personal entertainment, I call on AFA to rehire Bryan Fischer and apologize to him. 

++Now during a time of Holocaust anniversaries, why doesn't anyone comment on the Koch Brothers dear aunt. Amazingly, she was convicted by the Nazis for stealing from prisoners in the death camps. Can you imagine! That's rough. She was tried by the allies and pressure by Americans was put to get her off and then she was tried by the Germans. 

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